Friday, July 9, 2010

Arresting RATzinger

Do any of you think that Dawkins' efforts to have the pope arrested will come to fruition? I believe that he is on solid ground, though I'm no barrister.

Just because the vatican made an agreement with Mussolini in 1929, DOES NOT mean that they are a distinct, independent state. He should be dragged in shackles to the Hague and tried to the utmost extent for crimes against humanity.

1. He was/is DIRECTLY involved in the cover-up of a GLOBAL CHILD MOLESTATION CORPORATION.
2. He oversaw the redeployment and 'rehabilitation' of THOUSANDS of RAPISTS.
3. He is currently trying to blame ANYONE and EVERYONE besides the actual perpetrators.
4. He is encouraging parishes to file for bankruptcy so that the victims cannot sue the church for damages.

He is a first-rate, literally, white-collar criminal that needs to be made an example of. If we can even get this fun-seeker in a courtroom it would be a victory. We need to restart somewhere, (besides chipping away at the advances they have made), and I think it would be wise to start at the top. In a schoolyard fight, who do you take on first? The biggest, problematic fuck in the bunch. RATzinger is that person.

Our goal should be to eventually eradicate the worst possible idea that mankind ever conceived - religion.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more.

    This despicable man, can he even really be called a man? He has no heart, and certainly not much of a brain. I digress. This man, who claims to be Holy, a link to God, even, has perpetrated some of the most fucked up crimes known to Humanity.

    No man, no matter how ordained, should be free from the law. On his next visit to the United States, we should arrest him, and hold him accountable for the crimes he's committed.
